DRC privacy information - Amaze

Privacy information for the Disability Royal Commission

Will my submission be private? 

In most cases, the Disability Royal Commission will keep everything you have shared with them private (if you have asked them to). This means everything you ask them to keep private will not be shared with anyone outside of the Disability Royal Commission, not even after the Disability Royal Commission ends. For example, if you are participating in a private hearing, you may ask them to keep the following information private:  

  • your whole submission 
  • your name or other personal details 
  • the name of any service or person you want to talk about. 

In some very specific circumstances, for example if an Australian law has been broken, the Disability Royal Commission may consider it appropriate to give some of the information you provide to the police.  

If you have any questions or concerns about this, your privacy or any other legal issues, it is a good idea to get legal advice. If you are attending a private hearing, you should get legal advice before taking part in the hearing . You can get free, independent and confidential legal advice from Your Story on 1800 771 800.  Your Story also has a range of easy read resources, including How am I protected in a private session? [HTML]  

Can I name people or organisations that have mistreated me (or have mistreated someone I care for)?  

 You can name a person or organisation that mistreated you, but there are risks. For more information, please see Your Story’s factsheet, Can I name names [PDF, 2MB] and Protecting your story when you share it with the Royal Commission [PDF, 2MB].    

If you are worried about being hurt or mistreated for sharing your story, for example where you live, study or work, or that you will stop getting services you need, please see Your Story’s video – Worried about sharing your story?   

If you want to name a person or organisation we recommend that you get legal advice first. You can get free, independent and confidential legal advice from Your Story on 1800 771 800. 

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