National Autism Strategy 2025-2031: Frequently Asked Questions - Amaze

National Autism Strategy 2025-2031: Frequently Asked Questions

On 14 January 2025, the Australian Government released Australia’s first ever National Autism Strategy 2025 – 2031 (Strategy) and associated First Action Plan 2025-2026.

The release of the Strategy is a significant first step towards improving the quality of life of all Autistic people and creating a safe and inclusive society where Autistic people are supported and empowered to thrive.

Amaze has also created a detailed summary of the Strategy including Frequently Asked Questions which you can read in downloadable PDF format


We’ve created a list of the most commonly asked questions to help you understand the Strategy below:


Q: Were Autistic people consulted in the development of the Strategy?

A: Autistic people were deeply involved throughout the advocacy that led to the Strategy and in the development of the Strategy itself. The work was overseen by a committee chaired by an Autistic person, and was informed by working groups with significant Autistic representation.


Q: How can I read the Strategy in full?

A: The Strategy is available online and in accessible formats on the Australian Government Department of Social Services website


Q: Why was the Strategy created?

A: Amaze and other advocacy organisations have pushed for a policy and funding framework that connects the different parts of government services and activities that support Autistic people and their families. Without a central policy framework, efforts to improve wellbeing can be disjointed and uncoordinated.


Q: When will we see the first actions from the Strategy be implemented?

A: At this stage we don’t know when the first actions will be implemented. We will continue to advocate for our community, which will include keeping you updated about the Strategy and its actions.


Q: Will the Strategy change how I or my family access supports through the NDIS?

A: No, not directly. The Strategy is entirely separate from the NDIS.


Q: What does the Strategy mean for my kids and their schooling?

A: The Strategy does not deal with significant changes to the education system. This is because the Strategy only applies to the Australian Government, and the education systems are the responsibility of the state and territory governments. There are some commitments that relate to advocacy for students, and this is positive.


Q: I’m a manager in a workplace – how will the Strategy help me support my Autistic staff and colleagues?

A: The Strategy includes a focus on supporting workplaces to be more inclusive and accessible for Autistic staff. This is important work that Amaze also focuses on.


Q: How will the strategy make it easier for children and adults to access assessment for diagnosis?

A: Access to assessment and diagnosis is often expensive can involve long waits. The Strategy includes a focus on assessment and diagnosis, including looking at how they can be made more affordable. This is positive, but we don’t have enough detail on how this will be managed to give further detail at this point.


Q: Will my peer support group or Autistic organisation be eligible to be funded as part of the Strategy?

A: While there is a commitment to fund peer supports, we do not know what this looks like yet. When we have more information, we will share it with our community.


Q: What comes next now that the Strategy has been published?

A: The Government needs to set up some extra governance and accountability policies and frameworks. The funding and activities listed in the Action Plan will begin and roll out over the coming two years.


Q: I’m concerned about some parts of the Strategy – how can I give feedback?

A: We can’t change the Strategy at this point, but we are always open to hearing feedback and suggestions for change and improvements. Sometimes we can share them with the Government to improve future work. If you have feedback or suggestions, email us at [email protected].


Q: I have more questions! Where can I find out more information?

Get in touch with us through Autism Connect, a free, national Autism helpline, providing independent and expert information over phone, email and webchat.

Amaze has also created a detailed summary of the Strategy which you can read in downloadable PDF format

For more information and to read the Strategy, including accessible versions in Easy English, Auslan video and in community languages, visit the Australian Government Department of Social Services website

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