A-Plus Program Training and Delivery

The A-Plus Employment Program has 3 key modes of delivery to ensure seamless application for organisations of every size. From our A-Plus Workplace Employment Program to Cohort and Small Group training, our program is scalable, impactful, and action-oriented.



A-Plus Workplace Inclusion Program

What is it?

Our A-Plus Workplace Inclusion Program offers an integrated approach that moves beyond awareness. It’s a blended learning solution that combines self-paced content with facilitated workshops, allowing organisations to roll it out across departments, functions, or the entire organisation.

Why choose the A-Plus Workplace Inclusion Program?

  • Comprehensive Integration: The A-Plus Workplace Inclusion Program allows your organisation to deliver at scale, whether by department, HR function, or organisation-wide.
  • Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Strategy: Ideal for organisations where workplace inclusion is integral to their D&I Strategic Plan. 
  • Action Oriented: Blended learning supports you to move beyond awareness and identify and implement meaningful actions that are aligned with your organisational context.
  • 2024 Delivery: If you’re targeting delivery in 2024, seize the opportunity to access the program at a significantly discounted rate – Making the journey toward workplace inclusion both impactful and cost-effective. Contact us to find out more.  

Key Program Features

  • Participants gain access to the newly created self-paced A-Plus Foundations course. This course offers interactive and guided learning modules that build a baseline of knowledge of neuroinclusion in the workplace and how this improves the experience for Autistic and neurodivergent employees. ​
  • Access to a blended learning program for leaders and HR functions that builds capability across the employee lifecycle, including attraction, recruitment, onboarding, and management support. ​
  • Facilitated workshops for People and Culture functions and leaders to reflect, discuss and embed learning into their organsational context.
  • Access to continuous advisory services post-program completion ensures sustained support for your leaders and teams.
  • Facilitate connections between Autistic people and A-Plus employers who have completed this program, gaining a competitive advantage by attracting exceptional talent and a greater breadth of perspectives and skill sets.

Small group

What is it?

These training courses have been tried and tested and are a great starting point for organisations looking to establish a baseline of knowledge and awareness. 

What does each course cover cover?

1. Creating Autistic Inclusion in the Workplace (2 hours)

  • Foundational understanding of neurodiversity and what it means to be Autistic
  • Understand what an inclusive workplace looks like
  • Understand the key principles and practical strategies across Communication, Sensory Processing and Executive Function
  • Understand how you can help to create a more neuroinclusive workplace

2. Managing Neurodiverse Teams (4 hours)

  • Includes content covered in Creating Autistic Inclusion in the Workplace
  • Understand how leaders can support neurodivergent and Autistic team members by applying A-Plus universal strategies
  • Identify and challenge assumptions and unwritten workplace norms 
  • Build on foundational knowledge to create change in areas such as work environment, interpersonal relationships and role expectations 
  • Consider how you can create and influence positive change 

Small Group Inclusions

  • Facilitated training sessions for up to 25 people per session 
  • Sessions start from a minimum of 2 hours with the option for virtual or in-person 
  • Suitable for different levels and roles within the organisation 
  • Interactive and accessible training format 
  • Practical insights and strategies to apply within the workplace context
  • Delivered by an experienced facilitator, to ensure meaningful discussions


What is it?

Cohort Training involves open programs scheduled throughout the year, providing a flexible learning opportunity for individuals. Participants can readily enrol based on their availability and specific areas of interest. 

Why choose Cohort based training?

  • Learn with others
  • Develop skills as part of your own professional development
  • Pilot content within an organisation 

Cohort based training will be available from 2024. 

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