Download or order Autism Connect materials

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Help Autistic people, their families and the wider community discover Autism Connect by ordering or downloading the following  materials to share with your networks.

If you would like to order print materials to be sent to you, please fill out the below form with your details and select the materials you are after as well as requested quantities. Please note, we have max limits on quantities that can be requested. However, if you would like to request higher quantities than the max limits, please email [email protected] outlining what materials you would like and the requested quantities. 

Requests for higher quantities may incur a postage fee.

Prefer to download materials yourself? Scroll down past the order form and you will see a full suite of materials ready for you to download – including translated materials. 

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Contact Autism Connect

Free, independent autism information you can trust.

Phone: 1300 308 699

Email: [email protected]

Webchat: Click the Live Chat icon on this screen at the bottom right

Open from 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.

Autism Connect – National autism helpline
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