After four years of extensive consultation and hearing from almost 10,000 people who made a submission or participated in a public or private hearing, the Disability Royal Commission’s (DRC) Final Report was released on 29 September 2023. It consists of 12 volumes and contains 222 recommendations to create a more inclusive and just society that supports the independence and rights of people with disability.
The Commission heard from many people with disability, including Autistic people, and their families who shared their stories and lived experiences to help inform these recommendations. Additionally, Amaze made several submissions to the Commission which can be found below.
We’d like to acknowledge the courageous members of the community who gave evidence to the Commission and commend you for your bravery.
For more information about the Disability Royal Commission and the Commissioners, please visit here.
The Commission’s Final Report is comprehensive and covers many topics, including disability rights, healthcare and inclusive education, employment and housing.
To help you understand and breakdown the Commission’s report, our team have identified some of the main findings and recommendations that may be of most interest to you.
While the Commission made very few autism specific recommendations (only in relation to healthcare), we have identified a number of recommendations with specific relevance to people with cognitive and intellectual disability that may be of particular interest to some members of the Autistic community.
To learn more, please click on your area of interest below.
The Australian Government are now considering their responses to the Commission’s recommendations. A taskforce has been set up by the Government to inform their response to the recommendations provided. We will update this page to include details on relevant updates from the Taskforce and future consultation opportunities.
If you would like more information about these findings or recommendations or have any questions about the Commission or its report, we encourage you to contact Your Story Disability Legal Support on 1800 77 1800, online here or by email here. We appreciate that reading this page and hearing the lived experience stories shared may raise mixed emotions and cause anxiety or distress for many people. If you, or someone you know, needs support, the following services are available.